Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling - A Time Line of Every Major Event in Pro Wrestling History - 1983

By: Karl Stern

The 1983 Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling Timeline is now available only from Amazon.com as both a softcover book and as a Kindle eBook. The 1983 timeline formerly found here has been expanded on in the book along with many interesting and informative notes and additions. Literally everything there is to know about 1983 pro wrestling history!

DragonKingKarl (Karl Stern) is a long time pro wrestling historian who has been published in books, newsletters, and podcasts since the mid-1990s.

The Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling Zone is Karl Stern's attempt to chronicle the entire history of pro wrestling and is a work in progress with hundreds of pages of text added each month.

Please spread the word about the Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling project and support this website on Patreon to help it continue to grow and build.

Pro wrestling history. The history of professional wrestling. Timeline of pro wrestling history. DragonKingKarl Pro Wrestling.