Monsterama Market Macabre Horror Yard Sale 2023

By: Karl Stern (Patreon / Facebook / Email)

Karl and Tonya from traveled to Marietta, GA this past Saturday, May 13, 2023 to the Monsterama Market Macabre hosted by Monsteramacon. We weren’t sure what to expect but since we love yard sales and horror then why not take a website sponsored trip and maybe even pick up a few cool things (and scout it out to possibly sell at if the event takes place next year… stay tuned!)

We couldn’t have been more pleased. Everything about it was well run and organized. The building was great, entry was free, parking was free, and there were plenty of vendors with room to still grow. Tonya and I arrived about 30 minutes after the start and a few of the vendors and sellers were still setting up and the crowd was sparse, however, in less than half an hour the crowd grew and the event seemed very well attended. The vendors were all friendly and eager to talk about what they had to sell and the selection was varied and extremely interesting.

The items available ranged from the expected such as action figures (I picked up several), masks (Tonya picked up a great Pennywise latex mask), and jewelry. In addition to this, there were lots of vendors selling handmade crafts, many of which were imaginative and, in many cases, downright impressive!

Monsterama Market Macabre 2023: The building was outstanding, plenty of room even as the crowd picked up. Lots of horror themed jewelry and clothing to be found.

Monsterama Market Macabre 2023: The crowd quickly picked up and the variety of merchandise was exceptional. Horror themed shirts, masks, action figures, model kits, magazines, books, and more. We even heard a fantastic story about a taxidermied squirrel which made it’s way into a horror exhibit!

Monsterama Market Macabre 2023: Tonya even picked up some horror themed hot sauce from this fine vendor!

Monsterama Market Macabre 2023: You never know who you will bump into. I randomly ran into Gordon B. Shriver, author of Boris Karloff: The Man Remembered. Be sure to check out Mr. Shriver’s book as he is one of the foremost experts on the legendary horror movie actor and has been featured in documentary films about the legendary Boris Karloff.

Monsterama Market Macabre 2023: A fun time was certainly had by the When It Was Cool family and, perhaps, we might even participate next year if the event happens in 2024. However, before then, there is still the main MonsteramaCon happening in Atlanta, GA October 27-29, 2023 so be sure to support these fine people and their well run events!

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