“On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky” (2021) Film Review

By: Joseph Perry (Twitter - Uphill Both Ways Podcast)


Director Seth Breedlove and his Small Town Monsters crewmates deliver the goods once again (you can see links to my reviews of previous Small Town Monsters documentaries below)  in their latest venture, On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky. This stand-alone follow-up to the 2020 web series On the Trail of UFOs features the return of that series’ guest host, paranormal researcher Shannon LeGro, who joins the crew to collect stories from witnesses and fellow researchers of UFO sightings and history.

Breedlove, LeGro, and company focus on West Virginia, home to the Mothman incidents, The Flatwoods Monster, the first Indrid Cold sighting by Woodrow Derenberger, and more unusual paranormal activity involving possible visitors from space. The area is a hotbed for UFO sightings, and Breedlove and LeGro interview several people who have either witnessed something strange or have varying theories as to what may have taken place, and what may still be occurring.

The interview clips are presented for viewers’ consideration without heavy editorial comment, and neither those comments nor the documentary as a whole go into sensationalistic territory. These are recurring qualities of Breeedlove’s documentaries: interview subjects are treated with respect, and more down-to-Earth possibilities are given to balance out more fanciful ones.

Men in Black, secret military bases, extraterrestrial visits, and other familiar topics are explored, but because of Breedlove and Le Gro’s investigative interview approaches, this is not merely warmed-over material. There are plenty of fresh ideas and commentaries, and to top things off, the crew captures something unusual in the sky on camera themselves.


On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky is a fine diving-in point for those who have not yet seen a Small Town Monsters documentary. It is also a solid offering for those already familiar with Breedlove's documentaries and for those interested in the UFO/UAP phenomenon, no matter their previous level of research.

On the Trail of UFOs: Dark Sky is available to purchase or rent from August 3rd on a number of platforms from 1091 Pictures, including iTunes, Amazon Prime Video, Vudu and FandangoNOW.

For more information,visit https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/.

Joseph Perry is one of the hosts of When It Was Cool’s exclusive Uphill Both Ways podcast (whenitwascool.com/up-hill-both-ways-podcast/) and Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror: The Classic Era podcast (decadesofhorror.com/category/classicera/). He also writes for the film websites Diabolique Magazine (diaboliquemagazine.com), Gruesome Magazine (gruesomemagazine.com), The Scariest Things (scariesthings.com), Ghastly Grinning (ghastlygrinning.com), and Horror Fuel (horrorfuel.com), and film magazines Phantom of the Movies’ VideoScope (videoscopemag.com) and Drive-In Asylum (etsy.com/shop/GroovyDoom)





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